The Red Door Dream

Red Door

Red Door

The Red Door Dream

I see the red door in a dream, partially obscured by swaying tree branches. I feel the soft wind on my face, cool air brushing my cheek. I hear the strong, steady beat of my heart as I step forward. I am unafraid. Time slows. My legs start to feel heavy. I bite my lip and it starts bleeding. My face flushes with heat and my vision starts to blur. I wake up drenched with sweat.

The dream is recurrent. Each time, I draw closer to the door but wake before reaching it. The journey seems endless. The anticipation is agonizing.

Even when awake, I re-live the dream. I wonder if I can make myself reach the door in my sleep. I talk to myself. I tell myself I can do it. It is hard to think of anything else. I look for the door everywhere I go.

Now, here I stand, only inches away from touching the door. My heart starts to race. I am afraid. I don’t know what to expect. I no longer know if I am dreaming. I gasp for air and take an unsteady step back.

The red door opens.

*this post seems to meet the requirements for several blogging challenges as follows:

The Daily Post weekly photo challenge,Door, challenges us to post a photo and consider how the elements might add up to a story.

Laura’s Literary Lion challenge asks us to include the word “bleeding” in our post of 400 words or less.

A late addition to Andy’s Dark Side Thursday which challenges us to create a dark story.

And, I think this photo belongs in Lucile’s Photo101Rehab Clinic too.

Posted on July 3, 2015, in Flash fiction, Photo101 Rehab, Photography, The Red Door Dream (Fiction) and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. That was a very clever combination of all three prompts! Is this based on a real recurring dream you’ve been having? I wonder what Freud would say about it…


    • Thank you. I haven’t had this exact dream, but now that you mention it, I used to have recurring, unsettling, dreams of being lost in a big house with scary rooms! Maybe that would inspire another part of the story. Ooh, I hope i don’t have that dream tonight. I shudder to think of Freud’s analysis!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dreams are always such a good source of inspiration, as long as you remember them! I often wake up thinking “well that would make a great story”, but I’m half asleep, so I write nothing down, and then it’s all gone in the morning. Yours does sound like it would make a great partner to this story though!


  2. And possibly DarkSideThursday as well! Great post Tildy. You really built the suspense throughout the piece with the pace and flow of your words. Excellent!


  3. Wow what a great story, the tension builds and we live that fear with you, fighting to breathe, and what a skilful way to combine all three challenges! Love it, as for rules on dark side thursday, there are no rules…on the dark side…

    Would love to see this story develop!


  4. It’s a strong post Tildy, offering high quality imagery and words to serve 4 or many more prompts!
    Well done! I’m happy you took the bite to join Andy’s dark side! Totally matching it.
    And once again thanks for being a loyal patient of the Photo Rehab!


  1. Pingback: Door : The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge - Sylvain LANDRY

  2. Pingback: Week 27: Wrap up Photo101 Rehab | lucile de godoy

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