Monthly Archives: December 2018

Basset in a Blanket

Basset in a Blanket

Basset Haiku (Blanket)

With chill in the air
My basset in a blanket
Looks warmly at me

Are you all ready for Christmas? When my dog, Pal, saw this blanket, he immediately knew it was his. So, it became his early Christmas present. His eyes lit up brightly, and he pranced around with his prized possession. His simple joy warmed my heart!

Wishing you all warm, simple joy this Christmas!


Old-Timey Joy

I made this holiday greeting card after practicing with the concept of macro shots for Julie’s Sunday Stills challenge. The topic of Julie’s Week 3 Sunday Stills challenge was macro. So, using my iphone camera and the macro setting in Camera+, I took 3 little blocks and photographed them at different distances from the camera.

I need to go back and review Julie’s lesson. I changed my distances even though my phone app had a macro setting. Is that right? I tried to use the touch zoom feature but it seemed easier just to move closer. I also have a macro feature on my point and shoot camera with a zoom lens. But I was having trouble focusing; I do think the low lighting was a factor. My camera has a manual setting option, but I have yet to come close to figuring it out. For now, I’m hoping to learn concepts that can be applied to my simple photography.

As assigned, I selected one of the images as seen below.

Joy Distance 1

Then I fashioned it into a holiday card by adding text and a old-timey frame!


And, as you saw in the first blog photo, I added a little teddy bear into a shot to see how it would look. It may break the rule of having an odd number of items for a still life shot, but I think it’s cute!

Happy Holidays from me to you!

Above It All

Tabletop View – 2

This is my take on a side light, top-down, flat lay photograph for Julie Powell’s Sunday Stills online class. I gathered some leaves and acorns from my backyard and placed them on my tabletop. There were reading glasses already on the table so I just added them to the collection. I think the glasses provide an element of interest to the photo; although I’m not sure if there is enough of an association between the items. I also liked the shadows cast by the light.

Here is a variation where I moved the glasses to a different corner spot.

Tabletop View – 3

And, this was one of the first shots with only the natural outdoor elements.

Tabletop View – 1

I tried not to over analyze the set up, but I did try to consider the rule of thirds when placing items and cropping photos. I think flat lay worked to make these simple items seem more interesting! Which photograph do you think is best?

nancy merrill photography

capturing memories one moment at a time

Tourmaline .

Small Scale Fabricated Photography, Toy Photography History, Art Creation Musings

The Godly Chic Diaries



Exploring my world with pictures and words.

Still life, room to breathe

Your creative photographic journey

In Other Words and Pictures

walking by faith and not by sight


age is just a (biggish) number

52 Weeks Photography Group

A year in images, one theme at a time

Collect Life

A collection of life, inspiration and joy

A Walk in the Garden

"How quickly comes the sun when first it sets its mind to rise." - - j. s. v.

Susi Lovell

short story writer

Thoughts Of An E'ville Woman

The secret to having it all is believing that you do!

It's a long story ...

a light-hearted look at life by Tresha Barger

A Sawyer's Daughter

The Life & Times of a Sawmill Man's Eldest Child

Norm 3.0

Photography, fiction, humor, opinions, and whatever else I feel like posting

The Eye of a Thieving Magpie

My view of this wonderful and crazy life - as I travel and explore.

Trent's World (the Blog)

Random Ramblings and Reviews from Trent P. McDonald

photography, poetry, paintings

Minute Meetings with God

Meeting God Personally through his word

Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

Welcome to the Anglo Swiss World

My Life Lived Full

If you aren't living on the edge, you're taking up too much space

Park Preview

A guide to Seattle area parks with an emphasis on accessibility, photography, and birds.

Jibber Jabber with Sue

Everyday Thoughts and Musings