Category Archives: birds

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Birds of a Feather

I’m back! It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. I’m ready to return to the flock! I spent some time on twitter the other day and decided interacting there is really not for me. Now I understand why people make a comment but then never seem to reply to comments. It’s exhausting. And not really that much fun to battle opinions. It seems like there is more room for cheer and camaraderie on the blogs here. Now, if I can just figure out all the format changes.

Winter is in full effect. But, these little birdies help brighten the day! Maybe they will bring a smile to your face too!

Mighty Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren

Happy National Bird Day! Here is a little Carolina Wren to mark the day. They are small birds, but their songs are mighty! Here’s to a mighty great new year to you all!


Downy Woodpecker in My Rhododendron

Downy Woodpecker in My Rhododendron

Look at this sweet little Downy Woodpecker I spotted in my rhododendron. I love the little speck of red on his head. Glad he stopped by to make this bird nerd smile!

Bluebird in a Redbud

Bluebird in a Redbud

Spring Haiku (Savor)

Perching in the sun
Bluebird in a Redbud tree
Savors spring like me

I’m so glad it’s springtime now for me! My favorite time of year is finally in full bloom. It’s a perfect day for birdwatching or just taking a stroll in the beautiful outdoors! I hope you all are enjoying your day too!

Daylight Savings Time Bird

Lady Cardinal

I love daylight savings time! I didn’t miss the hour of sleep. I just got up later the next day. More time to sit on my back porch and watch backyard birds, like this pretty lady cardinal! Extra daylight in the evening makes me happy! I wish we stayed on DST all year round. What do you think?

Happy 2019!


Happy New Year! Wishing you all a bright and wonderful 2019! Watching my backyard birds was a perfect way for me to start the year. Peaceful joyful, and amazing!

How did you celebrate the first day of the year?

Cedar Waxwing Wonder!

I finally saw Cedar Waxwings last weekend during a walk in the park! I have been hoping to spot this kind of bird for a long time so the sighting was a celebration. Some passers by even stopped to see what I was so excited about. They congratulated me on my find as they went on their way! Another pretty bird to add to my list!

It’s been tough to devote time to my blog lately, but hopefully I can start to give it more attention. Hope you all are well!

Little Green Finally Seen

Little Green Heron

This is a photo of a Little Green Heron that I finally saw mid September. Years ago, I glimpsed this kind of bird at the park creek and have been looking to spot one there ever since! Finally, there it was! Very exciting! It was starting to rain (like nearly every day recently) so I was glad I got the chance to take the picture when I did. That’s one more bird for my list!

Ok, I must admit that I backdated this post to yesterday! I didn’t want to miss posting in September since I’ve been trying to post every month since I started four years ago. I got distracted and suddenly it’s October! I did take the picture in September, so that will have to do for now!

😊 happy fall, y’all!

Hummingbird His and Her’s


Isn’t this male ruby throated hummingbird handsome? He showed off his bright color as he approached the feeder for a drink of nectar.

Below, is a beautiful female hummingbird. She put on an air show fluttering around the same feeder for sweet nectar!


I haven’t yet been able to capture a picture of two birds at the feeder at the same time. But, maybe this will be the summer it happens! The little birds will be around into September!

Unlikely Bird Sighting

Unlikely Sighting

Last year, I saw a fleeting flash of yellow in my yard. I wondered if a new bird had graced my backyard. The next morning, I was sitting on my back porch, camera in hand, watching for a return sighting when my neighbor called out “it’s in your tree.”

And, there it was. It was an unlikely sighting of a budgie parakeet in my dogwood tree. It didn’t stay long. I was able to snap two quick photos before it flew away. It was certainly bright and beautiful, but it seemed out of place. It was my neighbor that suggested it was a parakeet.

Budgie Parakeet

So, I searched for yellow birds and parakeets on-line to learn more. Then, I looked at lost bird sites to see if anyone near my area had lost their pet parakeet. I also searched for ways to capture an escaped bird just in case I had an opportunity to make a rescue.

I never saw it again. I can only hope that it somehow, safely, found its way back home.

Posted for the daily post weekly photo challenge: unlikely

nancy merrill photography

capturing memories one moment at a time

Tourmaline .

Small Scale Fabricated Photography, Toy Photography History, Art Creation Musings

The Godly Chic Diaries



Exploring my world with pictures and words.

Still life, room to breathe

Your creative photographic journey

In Other Words and Pictures

walking by faith and not by sight


age is just a (biggish) number

52 Weeks Photography Group

A year in images, one theme at a time

Collect Life

A collection of life, inspiration and joy

A Walk in the Garden

"How quickly comes the sun when first it sets its mind to rise." - - j. s. v.

Susi Lovell

short story writer

Thoughts Of An E'ville Woman

The secret to having it all is believing that you do!

It's a long story ...

a light-hearted look at life by Tresha Barger

A Sawyer's Daughter

The Life & Times of a Sawmill Man's Eldest Child

Norm 3.0

Photography, fiction, humor, opinions, and whatever else I feel like posting

The Eye of a Thieving Magpie

My view of this wonderful and crazy life - as I travel and explore.

Trent's World (the Blog)

Random Ramblings and Reviews from Trent P. McDonald

photography, poetry, paintings

Minute Meetings with God

Meeting God Personally through his word

Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

Welcome to the Anglo Swiss World

My Life Lived Full

If you aren't living on the edge, you're taking up too much space

Park Preview

A guide to Seattle area parks with an emphasis on accessibility, photography, and birds.

Jibber Jabber with Sue

Everyday Thoughts and Musings