Open Your Eyes

Brown Thrasher

Brown Thrasher

The Brown Thrasher is often inconspicuous, foraging on the ground for food. I was lucky to spot him in my yard. His streaked underparts and bright rufous upper parts are magnificent to see. His yellow eyes are striking.

This bird is a single example of beauty on earth. Our earth is filled with so much beauty and we are often blind to it. Lately, I am realizing that my time is best spent in appreciation of nature. I make time to sit on my porch and take in the view. It’s a great way to shake off stress and rejoice in the day.

I will add this post to my May Bird series showcasing the beauty of birds. You can click on the Birds header at the top of my page to see other bird beauties!

*I am also adding this to the daily post weekly photo challenge:

Posted on May 9, 2016, in birds, Joy, Musings, Observations, Photography and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Is this the same as our thrushes? Song and Mistle thrushes have a mottled breast like the one in your picture. I am never sure which is which, and believe it is something to do with the size of the spots or background plummage. Either way, they are beautiful birds, and their song totally fabulous.


  2. A beautiful capture of this lovely bird. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. He’s a very handsome bird. 🙂 I always love to stop and take the time to appreciate the natural world. It’s too easy to become to caught up in modern life and all its stresses and forget to do so.


  1. Pingback: Earth (Rain and growth) | What's (in) the picture?

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